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Why does my pooch still whiff after a bath?

Few things are as frustrating as persistent dog odours that just won't go away, even after a bath!

The cause of your freshly bathed dog's persistent smell is likely the bathing.

It is better to bathe your pooch in running water rather than putting him/her into a full bath of bubbles, this way, you can be sure to wash and rinse properly.

When we bathe (humans and dogs alike), we strip natural oils from our skins. Those constant baths you're giving your dog are removing natural oils from his/her skin and coat, which signals her glands to secrete even more oils, and those oils are magnets for dirt, grime, and odour-inducing bacteria.

Most dogs can get by with just a few baths a year. You might want to try a different dog shampoo, too. Look for gentler, more natural dog shampoo…something less harsh and less likely to strip the skin's oils away.

DirtyMutt luxury shampoos are formulated to be nearly natural with minimally-processed base ingredients, with only 100% natural essential oils and mild cleansers to deeply nourish your dog’s skin, protect against bacteria and formulated to restore the natural PH balance of your dog’s delicate skin.

Make sure you dry your dog after bath time. Wet fur attracts dirt and grime, just like oily skin. Drying your pup correctly with the right towel and dryer will help keep odours at bay.


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