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Different dog grooming brushes & their uses

Using the correct comb/brush for your dog is king.

Here’s a quick breakdown on coat types:

Double coats – Husky, German Shepherd, Pomeranian etc, dogs with double coats need brushing every day to ensure the build-up of dead undercoat is removed, the best tools for this are a slicker brush and undercoat rake.

Wire Coats – Norfolk Terrier, Westie etc, these breeds require weekly brushing to keep tangles at bay and remove coat debris. It’s best to use a mix of both slicker brush and a metal comb.

Long Coats – Shih Tzu, Sheepdog etc, these pooches require a lot of grooming maintenance, daily brushing is required. Use both a slicker brush and a metal comb for dogs with long coats.

Wool Coats – Poodle, Cockapoo, Bichon Frise etc need daily brushing as the fur is thick and can matt easily. Curly coats need a slicker brush and metal comb.

Smooth Coats – Pug, Bulldog, Rottweiler etc only need brushing weekly just to remove the dead hair, use a rubber brush on these coats.

If your pet likes being stroked, then you can resolve any grooming issues easily. If not, it may be a more difficult task ahead….

A pet’s skin and body can be delicate. Some pets enjoy a rigorous grooming and will enjoy the massaging effect it creates, others cannot stand even the slightest pull or pressure on the skin and body with any tools, this can be torture for them, especially if there are any underlying health issues.

Avoidance of grooming usually occurs when grooming is not carried out regularly. Pets will exhibit different signs to show you they don’t like or are afraid of what is happening, however, if you change the way you are using the tools and use the right products, you can change their view of the grooming and show them that actually, they can enjoy being groomed.

All you really need to do is change what you are doing.

The grooming session is different for every pet, so we need to look at every pets’ individual needs. One size does not fit all when it comes to grooming but using the right products at home can work towards it being an experience both parties will love.

Like humans, products play a huge part in managing skin and hair, so make sure your dog has the right beauty routine; depending on coat types you will need; the right shampoo, conditioner, detangler and conditioning coat spritz;

DirtyMutt luxury shampoos are natural formulations with minimally-processed base ingredients, with only 100% natural essential oils and mild cleansers to deeply nourish your dog’s skin, protect against bacteria and formulated to restore the natural PH balance of your dog’s delicate skin. The aromas in our shampoos will help relax your dog and eventually they will associate the pleasurable grooming session that will come after.

Never dry brush! Ensure you brush after you use DirtyMutt Detangler or DirtyMutt Conditioning Coat Spritz, both can be used on a dry coat – this helps to moisturise the hair, facilitating the brush to glide easily through the hair, without much pulling on the skin. This also helps to avoid knots from forming and gives a glossy look to the coat.

Top tips for grooming at home

Leave the grooming tools on the floor so your pet can get used to them and see they don’t hurt. Your pet should associate the tools with a pleasurable experience.

Start off by stroking your pet with the grooming tools. Let them know, the tools only bring pleasure and rewards. Verbal and visual rewards, stroking or food rewards are best as well as smiling at your pet and telling them how clever they are!

Rewarding the good brings quicker results than scolding the bad. But don’t be afraid to say no to unwanted behaviour, just don’t dwell on it or take it personally.

Ensure grooming is carried out regularly – knots and debris in the coat are easy to remove when done every day, or weekly depending on your dogs.

If you have a pet with a long coat, you need to part the coat first, so you are brushing from the skin outwards. Brushing over the top does nothing.

When you bathe your pooch, ensure you condition, rinse well and dry to the root. This is especially important on long coated breeds as if you leave the roots damp, knots will occur very quickly.

Make grooming a pleasurable time between your dog and you, a space for you both to relax and bond.

Lastly, using the correct comb/brush for your pet is your secret weapon. The comb should glide through the coat, all the way to the skin. Use a wide tooth comb for thick coats and a closer tooth comb for finer hair.


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