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Sustainable beauty for dogs

5 LITRE ‘REUSE – REFILL', or just use straight from the big bottle that comes with a pump.

Our throw away culture is slowly coming to an end and we are all becoming more aware of the damage to our planet that us humans have caused.

Our mission is to help close the loop on waste, we are acutely aware of the causes and consequences and want to at least help in some way.

We are now offering our range of shampoos in a 5 LITRE refill reuse bottle, by buying in bulk and either using your existing 250 ml bottle to refill or just pump straight from the large bottle, will help the landfills in a major way and of course it will be so much more economical for you.

Whilst we have tried very hard to be sustainable and eco- friendly, our bottles are still plastic, however, they are PET bottles, which means they have been recycled and are recyclable, by us offering the refill/reuse method won’t eradicate the problem, but if each company does their bit, it will dramatically reduce the amount of plastic in circulation.


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