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The difference between essential oils and fragrance oils

Chemicals that you put on your dog’s skin has long term health implications, It is estimated that over 60% of what you put on your dog's skin (the largest organ of the body) gets absorbed into their bloodstream. The skin is your dog's barrier against environmental assault. This is true for humans too.

That fabric softener that makes clothes and blankets retain smell for days or weeks after washing is from fragrance oils. Likewise, that dog shampoo you washed them with may smell great, but it may also be the root cause of endocrine disease, thyroid disease, and other health issues if they contain artificial, synthetic, or low-quality ingredients.

Here at DirtyMutt we only use Pure essential oils (called NEAT oils) that are extracted from different parts of plants such as the flower via steam distillation. They are 100% pure oils not having been processed, diluted or manipulated with solvents or other additives.

The climate, amount of rainfall, temperature, soil condition and other factors determine the chemical composition and quality of the oil. With each harvest of a crop (such as lavender), the quality and scent of that oil is affected by the environment as well as the steam distillation process, so they will vary from year to year.

Fragrance oils (sometimes called synthetic essential oils) are manufactured in the laboratory. Since each oil contains a complex combination of chemicals, it is no surprise that they also may contain a number of toxins such as benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, propylene glycol, parabens, and sulphates just to mention a few. It is estimated that 95% of the chemicals in fragrance oils are derived from petroleum by products. Also added to synthetic fragrance oils are chemicals that make them "sticky" so the smell will linger and cling to clothing, hair, furniture, etc. It allows the scent of the smell to persist for hours or days but you are exposing yourself, your family and your pooch to a host of unhealthy chemicals.


Pure essential oils have something the fragrance oils don't - the natural power of healing.

DirtyMutt products contain only quality natural essential oils that are both safe and beneficial to your dog to help cleanse, repair, restore and moisturise the coat and skin. The right amount of oils are mixed with finest base ingredients.

Geranium: Is used to promote the appearance of a healthy coat. It also helps calm nerves and lessen feelings of stress. Geranium is also known to naturally repel insects.

Lavender: Is such a versatile oil and perfect for pooches. It offers calming benefits, cleansing, anti-inflammatory and soothing for the skin. It also has a divine yet delicate scent.

Chamomile: Antibacterial, helps with skin injuries, reduces inflammation, soothes skin and speeds up healing.

Orange Blossom: The health benefits of orange essential oil can be attributed to orange oil's known uplifting and anti-inflammatory properties. It will help towards creating a luscious healthy clean looking coat, removing stubborn stains. Suitable for regular use and ideal for all coat types

Patchouli: Is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, helps to relieve itchy skin and to help with dandruff.

Cedarwood: Is known for its calming effects, it’s beautifully gentle and has a grounding aroma, also soothing on the skin and fur, it acts as an antiseptic and insect repellant.

Bergamot: Is very relaxing for hyperactive dogs and has a very therapeutic effect

Tea Tree: Is great for skin conditions due to its antibacterial properties and refreshing scent, an excellent deodoriser and skin-soother.

Peppermint: Dogs can be plagued with seasonal allergies, just like us. If you notice your little one sneezing more often, it may be time to consider what kind of an impact this year's allergy season is having on them. Peppermint can help support their respiratory systems and return clearer breathing to their horizons. Peppermint can also be used to ease aches and pains in their joints.

Grapefruit: Is added for its antibacterial and astringent properties. Citrus oils are also known to help refresh and cleanse skin and coat.

Eucalyptus – both antiseptic and antibacterial properties which clean your dog’s skin and anti-inflammatory, it’s also great as a natural cleanser.

Lemongrass essential oil is a natural deodorizer that supports the skin, reduces yeast and bacteria, and helps to deter bugs it also also been shown to reduce anxiety and improve cognitive function.

Using truly safe and non-toxic natural ingredients like DirtyMutts grooming range you don't have to worry about contaminants or ingredients not being listed. They are all on the bottle.


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